Воплотились небеса / Heaven Has Come to Us

Heaven Has Come To Us Lyric Video • Sovereign Grace Music
Heaven Has Come to Us [Acoustic Version]

1 Куплет:
К нам с небес высоты
Он сошёл в долину смертной тьмы.
Жизни свет воссиял
Бог любви Надежду в мир послал!

Как постичь Его любовь!
Воплотились небеса жизнь отдать за нас!

2 Куплет:
Так смирен, слаб и мал,
Вечный Бог родился, как дитя.
Трон небес обменял
На земную немощь, к нам придя.

3 Куплет:
К нам пришла благодать
Грешных чад искать, вести домой!
Умер Он и воскрес,
Заклан Агнец чистый и святой.


Heaven Has Come to Us

Unto us from on high
Reaching down into the deepest night
To the world hope has come
In the dark the Light of Life has dawned

What a myst’ry, oh what love
Oh how can it be that heaven has come to us

Unto us meek and mild
God eternal born a helpless child
Set aside heaven’s throne
Veiled in weakness came unto His own

Unto us grace has come
Here to seek and bring the sinner home
Lived to die, rose to reign
Son of Man the Lamb for sinners slain

Heaven Has Come to Us

Unto us from on high
Reaching down into the deepest night
To the world hope has come
In the dark the Light of Life has dawned

What a myst’ry, oh what love
Oh how can it be that heaven has come to us

Unto us meek and mild
God eternal born a helpless child
Set aside heaven’s throne
Veiled in weakness came unto His own

Unto us grace has come
Here to seek and bring the sinner home
Lived to die, rose to reign
Son of Man the Lamb for sinners slain

Образец записи - ENG (mp3)

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Jon Althoff, Marc Willerton, Lacy Hudson
Copyright © 2020 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP) Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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