С нами наш Бог / Our God With Us

1 Куплет:
Спаситель чудный, Божий Сын, сошёл с небес,
А с Ним надежда мира родилась!
Свою Любовь Эммануил излил на нас,
Советник, крепкий Бог и мира Князь!

От престола в небесах и до бедного хлева -
С нами наш Бог, с нами наш Бог!
Весть несётся в каждый дом от полей Вифлеема -
С нами наш Бог, с нами наш Бог!

2 Куплет:
Пронзая ночь и темноту, весть радости
Воспели ангелы на небесах. 
О, чудо - стал одним из нас Бог вечности,
И мы поём от том чрез все века.

Эммануил! Возможно ли?
Небесный Царь рождён! 
Эммануил! Его хвали,
Достоин славы Он!!

2 Припев:
На Голгофу посмотри, 
На кресте том Его любовь.
С нами наш Бог, с нами наш Бог, наш Бог!


Our God With Us

Son of God, the Saving Love, came down to us
Hope arrived into a world in need.
Emmanel, the Prophet Lamb, poured out for us
Now in our lives He is the Prince of Peace!

From the glory of His throne to His birth in a manger 
Our God with us! Our God with us!
From the hills of Bethlehem to the whole of creation
Our God with us! Our God with us!

Into the dark, into the night, good news of joy
Angels sing and we will join their voice
Eternal One is one of us, a miracle
Two thousand years and still our souls rejoice!

Emmanuel, how can it be
This child is heaven's King!
Emmanuel, oh praise His name
For all eternity!

On the hill of Calvary
See His love on a rugged cross, 
Our God with us! Our God with us!
With us!

Our God With Us

Son of God, the Saving Love, came down to us
Hope arrived into a world in need.
Emmanel, the Prophet Lamb, poured out for us
Now in our lives He is the Prince of Peace!

From the glory of His throne to His birth in a manger 
Our God with us! Our God with us!
From the hills of Bethlehem to the whole of creation
Our God with us! Our God with us!

Into the dark, into the night, good news of joy
Angels sing and we will join their voice
Eternal One is one of us, a miracle
Two thousand years and still our souls rejoice!

Emmanuel, how can it be
This child is heaven's King!
Emmanuel, oh praise His name
For all eternity!

On the hill of Calvary
See His love on a rugged cross, 
Our God with us! Our God with us!
With us!

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Matt Redman, Colby Taylor, JC Villafan, DK Kim
Copyright © 2021 Mariners Church Worship (BMI), Mariners Worship (ASCAP), Integrity Worship Music (ASCAP), Said And Done Music (ASCAP) (all adm. at IntegratedRights.com)
Работает на Cornerstone