Я Христов / I Am Not My Own

1 Куплет: 
Творец моей души все Небеса создал,
Меня до первых дней Он любил и знал.
Я - произведение великих рук Творца,
Живу, чтоб воплотить чудный Божий план.

2 Куплет: 
Я - храм живого Бога, поклоняюсь я
Тому, кто Cвоей кровью купил меня.
Образ Его чудный я да не оскверню,
Что с трепетом в земном теле я ношу.

Я Христов и себе не пренадлежу, 
Я Христов и Ему одному служу.
Буду чтить Его всю жизнь мою!
Я Христов и Ему я приндалежу.

3 Куплет:
Ему принадлежу, ведь я искуплен Им,
Цена моей души явлена в Любви.
Статус мой навеки Христом определён,
По вере признаю, кто теперь я в Нём.

4 Куплет:
Сердце обрело свободу от цепей,
Пусть волю лишь Твою я творю теперь.
Сломленные жизни силён восстановить,
В Твой любви хочу я навеки быть.    


I Am Not My Own

The One who made the heavens made my heart and soul
Before I drew a breath, I was loved and known
I am His creation, the Maker's masterpiece
And all that He designs will be done in me

My body is a temple of the Living God
I'll worship in this house that His blood has bought
As I bear His image, oh may I not profane
The holiness I hold in this earthly frame

I belong to the Lord, oh I am not my own
I belong to the Lord, I am not my own
I will honor Him for this I know
I belong to the Lord, I am not my own

And if He has redeemed me, I am not my own
The measure of my worth is His love alone
He declares my standing, and He declares my state 
So I will know myself by the name He gave

I am not my own and now my heart is free
O Maker come and make what You will of me
There is nothing broken that You cannot repair
So Lord, I leave my life in Your loving care    

I Am Not My Own

The One who made the heavens made my heart and soul
Before I drew a breath, I was loved and known
I am His creation, the Maker's masterpiece
And all that He designs will be done in me

My body is a temple of the Living God
I'll worship in this house that His blood has bought
As I bear His image, oh may I not profane
The holiness I hold in this earthly frame

I belong to the Lord, oh I am not my own
I belong to the Lord, I am not my own
I will honor Him for this I know
I belong to the Lord, I am not my own

And if He has redeemed me, I am not my own
The measure of my worth is His love alone
He declares my standing, and He declares my state 
So I will know myself by the name He gave

I am not my own and now my heart is free
O Maker come and make what You will of me
There is nothing broken that You cannot repair
So Lord, I leave my life in Your loving care  

Образец записи - ENG (mp3)

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Ben Shive, Skye Peterson, Bryan Fowler, Tom Anderson
Copyright © 2023 Getty Music Publishing (BMI) / Getty Music Hymns and Songs (ASCAP) / Junkbox Music (ASCAP) (admin at MusicServices.com) / Be Essential Songs (BMI) / bryanfowlersongs (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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