Да будет Отцу Всеблагому хвала / Revive Us Again

Да будет Отцу Всеблагому хвала (Revive Us Again) [Official Lyric Video]

1 куплет:
Да будет Отцу
Всеблагому хвала!
Ведь Господня любовь нас
от смерти спасла.

Аллилуйя, честь и слава!
Аллилуйя, вовек;
Аллилуйя, честь и слава!
Бог с нами! Аминь.

2 куплет:
Спаситель, да будет
Тебе честь вовек;
Лишь в Тебе избавленье
нашёл человек.

3 куплет:
Бог сил! Будь прославлен
Ты в Духе Святом;
Он ведёт к небесам нас
премудрым путём.


Revive Us Again

Verse 1:
We praise Thee O God
For the Son of Thy love
For Jesus who died
And is now gone above

Hallelujah Thine the glory
Hallelujah amen
Hallelujah Thine the glory
Revive us again

Verse 2:
We praise Thee O God
For Thy Spirit of light
Who has shown us our Savior
And scattered our night

Verse 3:
All glory and praise
To the Lamb that was slain
Who has borne all our sins
And has cleansed every stain

Verse 4:
Revive us again
Fill each heart with Thy love
May each soul be rekindled
With fire from above

Revive Us Again

Verse 1:
We praise Thee O God
For the Son of Thy love
For Jesus who died
And is now gone above

Hallelujah Thine the glory
Hallelujah amen
Hallelujah Thine the glory
Revive us again

Verse 2:
We praise Thee O God
For Thy Spirit of light
Who has shown us our Savior
And scattered our night

Verse 3:
All glory and praise
To the Lamb that was slain
Who has borne all our sins
And has cleansed every stain

Verse 4:
Revive us again
Fill each heart with Thy love
May each soul be rekindled
With fire from above

Образец записи - RUS (mp3)

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John Jenkins Husband | William Paton MacKay
Public Domain. This arrangement copyright © 2008 Christian Network, Inc. Adm. by Christian Network, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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