Христос рождён / A Child is Born

A Child is Born (Official Music Video) | Celtic Worship

1 Куплет:
В яслях на сене лежал, так мирно спал
Чудный подарок небес, Светом мира Он стал.
Вот пастухи и волхвы поклонились в хвале,
Пусть видят все!

О, Христос рождён!
Для нас Он в мир пришёл.
Он всевышний Царь, Ему хвала
Во все века.

2 Куплет:
В смиреньи на землю пришёл, младенцем стал,
Боль испытал на кресте, спасение дал.
Ангелы пели, Его прославляя за Дар,
Бесценный дар!

3 Куплет:
О, наш Спаситель, мы будем Тебя прославлять.
Мы благодарны за милость и благодать,
Нас поднимаешь,  надежду вселяешь —
Хвала Тебе, наш Царь!


A Child is Born

There in a stable He lay so peacefully
Light of the world freely given for us to receive
Wise men bowed down and the shepherds rejoiced
He is here for all to see
O a child is born
A son came down for us
He reigns on high this Christmas time
And evermore
Humbly you came to the earth little child for me
To suffer to save to bring life past the grave
Angels they sang giving praise to the One
Precious gift for all to receive
Jesus our Saviour we praise your holy name
We give thanks to you for your love mercy and grace
Restoring us now bringing hope to the world
Praise the Lord He reigns on high
A Child is Born
There in a stable He lay so peacefully
Light of the world freely given for us to receive
Wise men bowed down and the shepherds rejoiced
He is here for all to see
O a child is born
A son came down for us
He reigns on high this Christmas time
And evermore
Humbly you came to the earth little child for me
To suffer to save to bring life past the grave
Angels they sang giving praise to the One
Precious gift for all to receive
Jesus our Saviour we praise your holy name
We give thanks to you for your love mercy and grace
Restoring us now bringing hope to the world
Praise the Lord He reigns on high
Образец записи - ENG (mp3)

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Mhairi Marwick
Copyright © 2023 Wings Music Group. Used by permission. All rights Reserved.
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