Всевышний / Almighty

Всевышний (Almighty) [Official Lyric Video]

1 куплет:
Перед Тобою кто устоит?
Склонится небо пред Богом сил.
Нет Тебе подобных!

2 куплет:
Тебе нет равных имён иных,
Над всей землёю лишь Ты царишь.
Нет Тебе подобных!

Перед Твоею славой я немею вновь.
Ты - Святый,
Царственным величьем облечённый Бог.
Царь Царей, Господь

3 куплет:
Живущий вечно Господь "Я есмь",
Хвала не смолкнет Тебе вовек.
Нет Тебе подобных!

4 куплет:
Могуч Твой голос, в очах - огонь,
Лице сияет,
Ты был, и есть и вновь грядёшь

Превознесён Святой Бог Всемогущий.
Взор отвожу, смиренно
Сердце трепещет,
Пред Ним трепещет.



Verse 1:
You have no rival You stand alone
The heavens worship Before Your throne
There is no one like You

Verse 2:
You have no equal Your kingdom reigns
Yours is the highest of every name
There is no one like You

We’re standing in the presence of Your majesty
You’re holy
You alone the Sovereign Crown of royalty
You're the King of Kings

Verse 3:
Our God eternal The great I AM
The praise of angels Will never end
There is no one like You

Verse 4:
Eyes like fire Face like the sun
A voice like thunder
Who was and is and is to come

I see the Holy one High and exalted
I hide my eyes and I tremble before Him
I tremble before him


Verse 1:
You have no rival You stand alone
The heavens worship Before Your throne
There is no one like You

Verse 2:
You have no equal Your kingdom reigns
Yours is the highest of every name
There is no one like You

We’re standing in the presence of Your majesty
You’re holy
You alone the Sovereign Crown of royalty
You're the King of Kings

Verse 3:
Our God eternal The great I AM
The praise of angels Will never end
There is no one like You

Verse 4:
Eyes like fire Face like the sun
A voice like thunder
Who was and is and is to come

I see the Holy one High and exalted
I hide my eyes and I tremble before Him
I tremble before him

Образец записи - RUS (mp3)
Образец записи - ENG (mp3)

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Copyright © 2014 Worship Together Music (BMI) sixsteps Songs (BMI) S.D.G. Publishing (BMI) Integrity Worship Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) / Alletrop (BMI) All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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