Он воскрес! Воистину так! / Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed!

1 Куплет:
Как эта тайна велика!
Распят Господь, кровь пролита,
Но смерть Христом побеждена -
Пой, пой аллилуйя!

2 Куплет:
Надежду утро принесло
Тем, кто надеяться не смел -
Изумлены ученики:
Христос пред ними воскресший!

Он воскрес! Воистину так!
Пой, пой аллилуйя!
Пой, со всеми спасёнными пой:
Он воскрес!
Он вовеки живой!

3 Куплет:
Ученики забыли страх
Узрев воскресшего Христа,
А мы не видя веруем,
Так пой аллилуйя!

4 Куплет:
И понесли Благую Весть
Презрев опасность, БОЛЬ и смерть,
Чтоб славный обрести венец -
Жизнь вечную в Боге

5 Куплет:
И Тот, кто воскресил Христа,
И нас с тобой спасёт от зла,
Чтоб умер грех, любовь жила,
И знали все люди:

Он воскрес! Он живой!
Нам открыты небеса!
Он воскрес! Он живой!
Славь воскресшего Христа!    


Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed!

How can it be, the One who died,
Has borne our sin through sacrifice
To conquer every sting of death?
Sing, sing hallelujah.

For joy awakes as dawning light
When Christ’s disciples lift their eyes.
Alive He stands, their Friend and King;
Christ, Christ He is risen.

Christ is risen, He is risen indeed!
Oh, sing hallelujah.
Join the chorus, sing with the redeemed;
Christ is risen,
He is risen indeed.

Where doubt and darkness once had been
They saw Him and their hearts believed
But blessed are those who have not seen
Yet sing hallelujah

Once bound by fear now bold in faith
They preached the truth and power of grace
And pouring out their lives they gained
Life life everlasting

The power that raised Him from the grave
Now works in us to powerfully save
He frees our hearts to live His grace
Go tell of His goodness

He's alive He's alive
Heaven's gates are opened wide
He's alive He's alive
Now in heaven glorified

Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed!

How can it be, the One who died,
Has borne our sin through sacrifice
To conquer every sting of death?
Sing, sing hallelujah.

For joy awakes as dawning light
When Christ’s disciples lift their eyes.
Alive He stands, their Friend and King;
Christ, Christ He is risen.

Christ is risen, He is risen indeed!
Oh, sing hallelujah.
Join the chorus, sing with the redeemed;
Christ is risen,
He is risen indeed.

Where doubt and darkness once had been
They saw Him and their hearts believed
But blessed are those who have not seen
Yet sing hallelujah

Once bound by fear now bold in faith
They preached the truth and power of grace
And pouring out their lives they gained
Life life everlasting

The power that raised Him from the grave
Now works in us to powerfully save
He frees our hearts to live His grace
Go tell of His goodness

He's alive He's alive
Heaven's gates are opened wide
He's alive He's alive
Now in heaven glorified

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Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Ed Cash
Copyright © 2012 Alletrop Music, Gettymusic (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)
Работает на Cornerstone