Воспой / Sing

Sing (Official Video)

1 Куплет: 
Если, день встречая, ты сделал вдох,
Стук сердца слышишь свой,
Живо слово Божье и действенно,
Ведёт тебя - тогда воспой!

2 Куплет:
Утолила ль жажду любовь Отца,
В сердце дав покой?
Все сложи проблемы у ног Христа
И с новой силой вновь воспой!

Утро встречая и день провожая, 
Творцу воспой!
Пусть всё, что дышит мир наполняет своей хвалой!

3 Куплет: 
Если Искупитель простил твой грех,
Пожертвовав Собой?
Если жив Христос, победивший смерть,
Царит вовек - тогда воспой!

4 Куплет: 
Ожидаем славный, великий день —
Христос вернется вновь.
Перед Агнцем склонят колени все
Народ святой, Ему воспой!
Народ святой вовеки пой!




Did you draw a breath as the dawn awoke
And does your heart still beat?
Is the mighty Word of the living God
Upholding you? Then sing, O sing

Has the Father’s love filled your longing heart
With grace for every need?
Come and lay your burdens at Jesus’ feet
And find new strength to sing, O sing

Morning and evening! Everything breathing
Must sing, O sing!
All of creation rise up and praise
The King of kings and sing!

Has the Son of God died to take away
Your sin and set you free?
Has the Conqueror trampled over death?
Is Christ enthroned? Then sing O sing!

On the final day when the Lord on High
Returns in majesty
We will bow in wonder before the Lamb
And evermore the saints will sing
Yes, evermore the saints will sing!

Did you draw a breath as the dawn awoke
And does your heart still beat?
Is the mighty Word of the living God
Upholding you? Then sing, O sing

Has the Father’s love filled your longing heart
With grace for every need?
Come and lay your burdens at Jesus’ feet
And find new strength to sing, O sing

Morning and evening! Everything breathing
Must sing, O sing!
All of creation rise up and praise
The King of kings and sing!

Has the Son of God died to take away
Your sin and set you free?
Has the Conqueror trampled over death?
Is Christ enthroned? Then sing O sing!

On the final day when the Lord on High
Returns in majesty
We will bow in wonder before the Lamb
And evermore the saints will sing
Yes, evermore the saints will sing!
Образец записи - ENG (mp3)

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Nathan Stiff, David Zimmer
Copyright © 2024 Sovereign Grace Worship/ASCAP, Sovereign Grace Praise/BMI (adm. by Integrity Music) Sovereign Grace Music, a division of Sovereign Grace Churches. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Работает на Cornerstone